A. Marie Silver

A. Marie Silver

Diary of a Cranky Cat – I thought I was going for a walk!

Dear Diary,

Momma did it again.  She broke my heart into a gazillion pieces.  Today I overheard her telling someone on the phone that she was taking the baby for walk.  I got all excited.  I ran upstairs to clean my sad and unfortunate-looking tail so that it would be perfect for our walk outside.

Then I trotted downstairs and climbed into the stroller.  I was all set to go.

See, here am I.  This photo displays my left side because my left is my good side.  I feel it’s important to point that out.

As I was getting settled in my stroller, Momma came out of the kitchen and laughed at me.  “What are you doing, silly girl?”

What am I doing?  What is she doing?  We’re supposed to go for a walk and the Little Thing is in the kitchen.  She needs to put him in his crib-cage upstairs so we can leave.  If she lets him run loose something bad could happen.  He could poop on the floor.  Or worse, he could poop in my litter box.  That would be awful.  “I’m getting ready for our walk,” I informed her.

“Um….” she began.

“Um, um, it sounds so dumb,” I sang.  “Instead of saying um why don’t you just pause.” I know it doesn’t rhyme but that’s okay because I’m Gwennie and I don’t have to.

“The thing is,” she continued.  “I wasn’t going to take you for a walk.”

“What do you mean?”  This was very confusing to me.  “You said you were going to take the baby for a walk.  I heard you on the phone.  I’m the baby.  Let’s go for a walk.”

Momma chewed her lip.  “When I said baby, I meant the Little Thing.”

There you have it, Diary.  One little sentence completely devastated me.  I may have to move back in with Grandma.  It’s very sad and unfortunate…just like my tail….and Little Missy.

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A. Marie Smith

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