A. Marie Silver

A. Marie Silver

Gwennie’s Letter to Her Readers

Dear Readers,

This is Gwennie.  I’m writing this letter to express my sincerest apologies to all of you for the previous night when Momma hijacked my blog.

I can only imagine how disappointed you were to read Momma’s stupid blog about the Little Thing’s adventures at Doggie Daycare.

I mean really!  Nobody cares that the Little Thing went to doggie daycare or that the doggie daycare has caretakers who specialize in the handling of especially ugly doggies – like the Little Thing. I bet Momma didn’t even tell you that part.  I bet she also didn’t mention that the Little Thing was the ugliest doggie there and several of the caretakers had to receive special psychiatric counseling afterwards.  Momma has a tendency to leave details like that out.

I know you all wanted to read about me and my extreme fluffiness and I’d like to take this opportunity to remind you that I’m still fluffy and also I’ve put new security measures in place so that Momma can’t access my blog without my knowledge or consent.  If she attempts to, the computer will zap her and she’ll be in excruciating pain.  It’ll serve her right.  Let that also be a warning to computer hackers every where – I MEAN BUSINESS!  If it doesn’t have to do with me or my fluffiness; it doesn’t belong on MY blog.

Thank you for your tolerance and your loyalty.


Gwendolynn Anne Marie Stefani Collins Silver (Supervisory Cat-in-Charge)

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A. Marie Smith

Your short bio telling the story of why you are a writer and the things that you think are important.