A. Marie Silver

A. Marie Silver

It’s not all about Michigan!

It was in the wee hours of the horrific Facebook crash.



I sat at my desk, procrastinating tinkering with my novel. Getting it ready to send to a beta reader. I decided to take a break. About a week or two earlier, I wrote a blog post about the differences between a coroner and a medical examiner. It’s part of my Morbid Memories series and you can read it here, if you want to. For that blog post, I created and color-coded a map of the United States that shows which states are medical examiner, coroner, and both.

So here I am, at 5:00 in the morning, screwing around with my book and I decided to take a break and share this map with the crime fiction group I’m a member of. There had been a lot of questions regarding coroners and medical examiners and I figured the people in this group would appreciate having this map. So, I uploaded the map, and because the great Facebook crash of 2019 hadn’t happened yet, it went through just fine.

Later in the day – before I noticed Facebook was having problems – I was scrolling through the comments on this map. There were a lot of compliments on the map, a lot of additional questions people were asking me, and one unhappy customer who jumped up my rear end because I forgot to color the upper peninsula of Michigan.

“I’m so tired of people leaving us off the map. We’re not Canada! Stop forgetting about us!” she wrote.




In case you’re not aware, the name of this blog is Snark, Sass, & Sarcasm. And I had a whole lot of snarky, sassy, sarcastic comments circulating through my mind. Obviously it was just a careless mistake on my part. It’s not like I woke up that morning and thought, “Today, after I take the kids to school, I’m going to do some laundry and piss off everyone who lives in Michigan.” I’m not programmed that way. Although, I did live in Ohio – on and off – for a total of 12 years and there is this unwritten rule that states if you live in Ohio, you’re not allowed to like Michigan or anyone who lives there. I think it has to do with this seasonal sports game that causes a lot of drama and tension. I’m not sure what the game is. Croquet? Squash? Pilates?



Here’s some insight into how my mind works when it comes to sports. My daughter told me she wanted to play soccer. I went out and bought her a soccer ball so she could practice. My husband came home from work saw the ball and asked, “Who’s the volleyball for?”

Clearly I don’t know things when it comes to sports. All I know is that if you live in Ohio, you’re not allowed to like anything Michigan. Maybe I subconsciously left off the upper peninsula of Michigan?

When I took a second look at the map I realized, it’s not all about Michigan. As it turns out, I also forgot to color Maui and I never labeled D.C. or mentioned that it’s under a medical examiner system.



Because I’m not a jerk,



I fixed the map. Please correct me if I’m wrong, but as far as I know, there is no way of swapping out photos in a Facebook post. I could’ve put the new map in the comments, but I was worried people wouldn’t see it. I didn’t want to delete the original post because it was actively generating conversation. The only solution was to create a new post with the corrected map which took me all day because Facebook crashed.



While I was waiting for the new map to load, I edited my original post to let everyone know that updates were being made.

When the map finally uploaded to Facebook, I wrote this in the new post:

See what I did there?

Later that night my bestie, who is also in this group, sent me a text message on Facebook:



FYI: I called and told her about how I pissed off someone from Michigan earlier that day. So her commentary in the message was really just teasing.

Anyway, that being said, here is the corrected map.




And if you want to see the actual updated map – the one I posted to Facebook – click here and scroll down.



Thanks for shopping, Snark, Sass, & Sarcasm. I’ll see you next time!

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A. Marie Smith

Your short bio telling the story of why you are a writer and the things that you think are important.