After completing On Fallen Wings I was forced to wait days, weeks, months and years before I could read the sequel From Rising Flames. Okay. Maybe that’s a slight exaggeration. It was probably closer to one month. But it felt like forever.
From Rising Flames is a thrilling continuation of Rhiannon’s story. I spent most of the book, clinging to the edge of the couch in anticipation of the challenges she would face next. This book did not disappoint.
There was only one section where I felt a strong desire to: Turn page, Turn page, but it wasn’t because I was bored it was because I was anxious to find out what was going on with Cael, Rhiannon’s former future brother-in-law. He was either going to be her next love interest or her worst nightmare and I was excited to find out which one.
I’m really glad I didn’t skip ahead because the scenes I would have missed led up to one climatic event after another.
This book is definitely darker than it’s predecessor but it’s still a fantastic read!
I do, however have one complaint for the author: The third book in the trilogy isn’t scheduled to be released until Summer of 2013.
Dear Jamie McHenry,
Anyway, if anyone out there hasn’t read these books yet I strongly recommend it, especially if you’ve already gone through the Hunger Games trilogy and you’re looking for something else to read. I think you’ll really enjoy these. They’re both available on, iTunes and Barnes & Noble.
On Fallen Wings is a free digital download and From Rising Flames is $2.99 for the digital download.
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