A. Marie Silver

A. Marie Silver

On Fallen Wings – Book Review

Have you recently finished the Harry Potter, Twilight or Hunger Games series?  Are you feeling a literary void in your life?  Then I recommend you check out On Fallen Wings by Jamie McHenry.  Trust me, you’re in for a treat!

But let’s start at the beginning:

Who is Jamie McHenry?

Answer:  Hell if I know.  He’s just this guy on Twitter.

Seriously though:  I’m not sure if I started following him on Twitter or he started following me.  Regardless, when he announced this book was FREE on iTunes, I took a look, not having any idea what it was about or even the genre.  But hey, it’s free, if it sucks, it’s not like I spent any money.  Just as long as it wasn’t as bad as the Fifty Shades of Grey Series.  I’d really like my $30 and three weeks of my life back that I spent reading that series. 

Moving along….

I really enjoyed this book.  The imagery used made me feel like I was in Ireland (yes I’ve been there) surrounded by rolling green hills.  This is the kind of book that, if I had a job outside of the home, would look forward to reading after a long day.  I typically read this book in the evenings after I put my baby to bed.  I’d curl up in my pajamas with a blanket and either a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and read away.

At the beginning of the story the readers are introduced to Rhiannon, the main character who is betrothed to her childhood love, Sean.  In an original twist to an engagement, each partner has to acquire a gift of the other’s choosing before the wedding takes place.

Automatically I assume that something is going to happen to either Rhiannon or Sean while they are on the hunt for the other’s gifts.  But, that part of the story is resolved rather quickly.  It’s what happens next that I didn’t see coming.  No.  I’m not going to tell you.  But that’s okay because the digital download is FREE. 

In case you haven’t figured it out; I think this book was really well done.

That being said I do have a few issues I’d like to address.

First, a random comment to the author:

Page 314 – Why would you do that?  You’re mean! 

Next, a not-so random comment to my faithful readers:

In reference to page 314 – No.  I’m not going to tell you what happened. You’ll just have to read it for yourself.  And, I wouldn’t recommend you skip to page 314 because if you do, you won’t get it.

Another random comment to the author –

The ending of the book is rather frustrating.  You didn’t finish the story!  My suspicions left me wondering if there wasn’t an underlying Cain and Abel theme but apparently I have to wait for the next book to find out. 

You did that on purpose!  Admit it!  It’s a conspiracy to get me to buy the next book.  (Sigh) It worked.

Oh, but what’s this?  I went to download the next book and what did I find? It hasn’t been released yet. 

Um…..Seriously?  It was written on the last page of your book that the next book in the series would be released in late 2012.  It’s September.  How much later is it going to be?


0 Responses

  1. Hi Allison. Thanks for your review. My boss had the same comments about the ending and even hit me for it. 🙂 From Rising Flames is at the editor now and should be released in October. I'll be sure to get you a complimentary copy so you can discover everyone's fate. I promise–you will be surprised. Have a great day.

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